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Society2 years ago

“They are not needy, but they need help”. How Moldovan volunteers try to create a safe environment for the Ukrainian refugees

Reading Time: 3 minutes At the Government’s ground floor, the phones ring constantly, the laptop screens never reach standby. In...

Important2 years ago

#WorldForUkraine – a map that shows the magnitude of the world’s actions against Russian aggression

Reading Time: 2 minutes The international community and volunteers from all over te world have launched #WorldForUkraine as a platform...

Important2 years ago

How is Moldova managing the big influx of Ukrainian refugees? The authorities’ plan, explained 

Reading Time: 3 minutes From 24th to 28th of February, 71 359 Ukrainian citizens entered the territory of Republic of...

Opinion2 years ago

Russia And Ukraine At The Beginning of 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes This opinion piece was written by Dr. Nicholas Dima. Dr. Dima was formerly a Professor of Geography...

Culture3 years ago

The man raising children on Nistru river

Reading Time: 7 minutes On the Nistru, near the village of Varnița, a few colored pens with blue dots in...

Culture3 years ago

The village of the first astronomer in the Republic of Moldova

Reading Time: 5 minutes From eight in the morning till noon, every Thursday and Sunday, people lay their merchandise on...

Culture3 years ago

The prodigal son returns and turns his grandparents’ home in a tourist attraction on Nistru river

Reading Time: 7 minutes On the road towards the school, a well-maintained rural house catches your eye, yellow stags painted...



Featured3 years ago

FC Sheriff Tiraspol victory: can national pride go hand in hand with political separatism?

Reading Time: 4 minutes A new football club has earned a leading place in the UEFA Champions League groups and...

Miscellaneous3 years ago

Study// What is the reaction of authorities to journalistic investigations?

Reading Time: 3 minutes “People expect logical consequences when they see cases of undeclared assets, conflicts of interest, protectionism or...

Opinion3 years ago

Secretary General of CoE called on Moldova’s state institutions to avoid constitutional crisis. Politicians took it the way they wanted.

Reading Time: 3 minutes At the beginning of this month, Speaker of Parliament, Zinaida Greceanii, sent a letter to Secretary...

Opinion3 years ago

Study: Media perception in the Republic of Moldova

Reading Time: 3 minutes The perception of the Moldovan media was assessed in a study conducted by Magenta Consulting, with...

Featured3 years ago

We are getting ready for 2021 and need 5 minutes of your time for that

Reading Time: < 1 minute Dear reader, We know that you have been thinking about holidays and rest for a...

Opinion4 years ago

Peter Michalko: “Great efforts are made by a certain part of politicians to reach an even worse situation than in 2018.”

Reading Time: 3 minutes On December 8, the 2020 Moldovan European Integration Forum was started by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung...

Elections4 years ago

MEPs keep an eye on the coming elections: “We are seeing more electoral irregularities that endanger presidential elections.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes On September 22, 3 Members of the European Parliament, namely Siegfried Muresan, Head of EU-Moldova Parliamentary...

Diaspora4 years ago

Record remittances sent to Moldova during the COVID-19 pandemic – expert’s explanation

Reading Time: 2 minutes The remittances sent by Moldovans from abroad reached a record level in May 2020. The last...

Opinion4 years ago

Survey// Popular COVID-19 fake news in Moldova and people’s (dis)information sources

Reading Time: 3 minutes More and more Moldovans have to deal with fake news every day. Unfortunately, a part of...

Opinion4 years ago

Older people’s rights and dignity must be protected amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Reading Time: 4 minutes By Alanna Armitage Across Europe, from Spain to Serbia, care homes for older people have become...
